Room Only Rates
(no meals included)
in BGN, per room, 9% VAT and all local taxes included
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We accept only Mastercard and Visa credit or debit cards.
European Breakfast Extra Charge (bread, butter, white/yellow cheese, tomatoes/ cucumbers, marmalade, sliced meat, coffee/tea) - 10 BGN/person. Children discount 50% for children aged up to 6 years.
Infant (0 up to 1.99 years) in double room with 2 full paying adults is accommodated free of charge and sleeps in the parents' bed
Accoomodation of 3rd and 4th person (where applicable above) has been already calculated with a discount. This discount does not vary depending on the person's age.
The rates quoted above are subject to change deppending on the hotel's occupancy.
These rates are not valid for periods which include festival days, official and national holidays.
Group discounts are subject to negotiation.